During the dry season in Northern Australia, Heather Hewett returned for a month to work with the Maung translators, Rosemary Urabadi and Sandra Makurlngu. The three ladies spent 2 weeks together on Goulburn Island, before travelling to Darwin for an intensive workshop in Humpty Doo.
Heather reports, “It was a wonderful time in Darwin. Each day, we got up and got to work when we were ready. We started around 10, but we kept working into the evenings! Such a lot of work got done, and because we’re getting near the end of the first draft, the ladies have been so enthusiastic. Sandra called me today to say that she finished chapter 15!” Rosemary, Sandra and Heather have been working on Mark’s Gospel in Maung for 5 years, also with support from the church on Goulburn Island, and the NRCC staff worker Lindsay Parkhill. Their shared dream is to dedicate a published Gospel in June 2016, to coincide with the centenary of the first mission in Warruwi.