Maningrida now has a translation centre and it has been an epic journey! The Kunibídji whose name for this place is Manayingkarírra are the traditional owners. They gave enthusiastic permission for the building of a new Bible Translation Centre down near the beach next to the Church House. There are eleven languages spoken in Maningrida and it is time to have a space where language work can happen. The West Arnhem Area Council of Northern Regional Council of Congress, the UCA church elders of Western Arnhemland, were also enthusiastic supporters of the project.
Mobile Mission Maintenance (MMM) were brought on board to help with designing and building. Their experience in creating prefabricated buildings for the Pacific Region that are steel framed and cyclone coded was invaluable. MMM’s volunteer workforce of retired tradies, engineers and architects constructed the frame in Melbourne, packed it into a container and shipped it to Darwin. Meanwhile the challenges of a late wet season led to a nail biting wait for the slab to happen in Maningrida, but thanks to local Aboriginal contractors the slab was poured and cured just in time for the arrival of the building team.