From the APY lands in South West SA to the Negev Desert, Israel we started our Holy Lands tour with 15 Pitjantjara translators and 7 Assistants. We met up with 12 PNG translation consultants and travelled for 10 days to over 45 sites of significance for Bible translators.
It was a challenging tour from Beersheba in the South to Dan in the North. Caesarea to the west and the Dead Sea in the East. We travelled through the stories of the Bible starting with Abraham and Sarah’s life as we camped in a Bedouin Oasis, rode camels and explored the well built by Abraham at Bethsheeba. Walked in King David’s footsteps from his encounters with Goliath at the Valley of Elah and Saul at EinGedi by the Dead Sea. Through the centre we visited Shiloh where Samuel was raised and the site of the first Tabernacle. To Qum Ran and the community of scribes that copied the Bible with such faith and dedication.