This story starts way back in October 2015 when Coordinate held a workshop at Riyalla south of Darwin. Since then people have been asking “when will the next workshop be?” These workshops are so valuable, to get people from many different language groups together so that they can network and learn from each other. They are also very expensive to run so they need to have a very strong purpose other than just a social get together. Finally in October last year at the Pitjantjatjara translators conference Ina Scales presented a session called “Getting in the Zone” on how to prepare ourselves for reular disciplined work. We now had a theme for our workshop.
We booked into Riyalla at Noonamah and organised travel by plane, car and bus for twenty-nine translators and Scripture in Use Workers representing eleven different languages; four languages from West Arnhemland, six from East Arnhemland and one from the APY lands in Central Australia. After devotions on the first morning we worked out our kinship relationships and then got down to work.