What a joy it was to witness the dedication of the Mawng gospel of Mark as part of the recent celebrations of the centenary of Warruwi Goulburn Island! The Manginpurru Arrarrkpi (mainland people) who guided the Reverend James Watson one hundred years ago to Warruwi continued the instructions of Jesus, “Nuwurri kutpana wugarra yirrk kunak la kurriweni monmon pu amparrkamparrk ta nungmalal wurluj to ngapi ngartu” (“Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15).
Following the re-enactment of the arrival of the good reverend by a dinghy named kupuny (dugout canoe) at Angumidjban, with the initial fear of the people being overcome by curiosity at the arrival of this strange balanda (European) in their midst, everyone moved to the Church where the official dedication ceremony took place. The action is called Marrmurrng which is a traditional exchange ceremony.