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Central Australian Children's Camp

Tjitji tjuṯa tjinṯu mankurpa Pututjala nyinara nintiringangi.
by Katrina Tjitayi
Uwa panya nganana kuwari nguwanpa tjitjiku inma kanyiningi Pututjala. Ka tjintu mankurpa ngarangi nyara palula.
We recently held a three day children’s Christian camp at Pututja.
Ka ngayulu pulkara alatjitu pukularingi tjitji nyanga paluru tjana pitjanyangka. Ka nganana tjunu Theme: “You are Special” Nyuntu wiru mulapa.
I was really pleased with all the children that came. The theme of the camp was: “You are Special”.
Munula Josephaku tjukurpanguru tjitji tjuta nintiningi, panya Josephanya yaltji-yaltji nyinangi tjitjinguru munu pulkaringu. Panya palumpa kuta tjutaya palumpa kuraringangi, ka paluru yaltji-yaltjingku walytjangku kuliningi.
We taught the children from the story of Joseph, about Joseph when he was a boy and his growing up, about how his older brothers hated him and what he himself thought about everything.
Panya tjitji kutjupa tjutangkuya walytjangku pulkara kulilpai alatji, “Tjinguru ngayulu lanma, tjinguru ngayulu kurakura, mungutja, ngaltutjara, kutjupa ngayuku mukuringkunytja wiya.” Kala coconutwanungku nintiningi, panya urilitja nganana nyakupai munu kuranmankupai munula pikantankupai.
Children are often thinking about themselves like this, “I must be useless. I must be no good. My family doesn’t love me. I’ve got nothing, nobody loves me.” So we taught them using a coconut as a metaphor, about how we look at someone’s outside and say they are bad and hurt them.
Ka unngu mulapa Godalu wiru mulapa nyakupai munu kutjupa wiru ngaranyi kapi wankanya. Ka kutjupa tjutangku kuwari kutju nyangangi coconut munu pulkara alatjitu urulyaraningi. Munuya tjitji nyanga paluru tjana tjukurpa wiru wangkangi munu kutjupa tjuta pulkara alatjitu ulangi.
But deep inside us God sees something really wonderful. Just like inside the coconut there is lovely water, inside us is something really wonderful, life giving water. For some of the children it was the first time they had seen a coconut and they were really surprised at what was on the inside. And from that they started sharing the things that were inside them as they realised that God loved them, and many of them cried their hearts out.
Panya tjana Godanya kulinu, “Mulapa paluru nganampa pulkara mulapa mukuringanyi.” Kaya Josephaku tjukurwanuya pulkara mulapa nintiringu.
For they realised, “Truly, God really loves us very much.” Through this story of Joseph they learnt heaps.
Panya Josephanya anu, palu Godalu palunya kanyiningi, munu palumpa plan wiru mulapa kanyiningi. Kaya tjitji tjuta nintiringangi, “Nyuntu wiru mulapa Godala kurungka.
That Joseph went to a far away place but God kept looking after him, and he had a very special plan for him. The children learnt that they were special in God’s eyes.
Tjukurpa mankurpala nintiringangi:
1. Nganana wiru mulapa Godala kurungka
2. Godalu nganananya kutjupa kutjupa ungkupai
3. Kalypangku wantinytjaku
We learnt these three things:
1. We are Special in God’s eyes
2. God gives us various gifts
3. God wants us to forgive.
Tjitji tjuta nintiringangi Godaku mukulya pulka ngaranyi kutjupa tjutangka waintara mulpa.
The children learnt that God’s love is great, far greater than anything else.